国际交流 国际经验
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作者:       来源于:中国民间故事网

  [1] 本文选自梁锺承《韩国的文化保护政策:无形文化财及其持有者》序言,翻译过程中做了适当的删节。

  [2] Lofgren, Orvar. 1989. “The Nationalization of Culture .”Journal of European Ethnology xix: pp.22.

  [3]Bauman. 1977. Verbal Art As Performance. Prospect Heights Illinois: Waveland Press, pp.38。

  [4] Feintuch.1988b.“Introduction.”In The Conversation of Culture: Folklorists and the Public Sector, Burt Feintuch, ed. Lexington: The University of Kentucky Press, pp.2。

  [5]Morton Ⅲ, W. Brown. 1987.“What do we preserve and why?. ”In The American Mosaic: Preserving A Nation's Heritage, Rober E. Stipe and Antoinette J. Lee, eds Washington, D.C., US/ICOMOS, pp.146。




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